The second step of the ever-present inspiration process is about shifting beyond the conventional boundaries of “self” and listening from the field, from the larger whole you are a part of.
For me, this field is Art, art as a whole, across space and time, experienced as a living, evolving being…
From this vantage point, my own “self”: my sensory experiences, my thoughts, my emotions, my memories are but raw materials for this grand process of evolution. And inspiration comes from connecting them with what is already present, already manifested and expressed. The most difficult part here (for me at least) is not to shy away from anything that emerges, however outlandish and weird it may seem…
And then, van Gogh’s irises suddenly start blooming at a nearby winery…

And Chagall’s muse and Shakespeare’s muse reveal themselves to be one and the same being…

And Rainer Maria Rilke emerges out of Cezanne’s mountain…

And van Gogh’s urgently vibrating colours long to merge with Cezanne’s multi-dimensional space…

And all I can do, is listen, and surrender to all that emerges, and paint it.
To review all steps of the “Ever-Present Inspiration” process, click here.
Paintings from the “Living Art” collection are offered throughout this Holiday season (December 31, 2019) with free world-wide shipping, plus one year free membership in Living Art Circle, an online community space designed to integrate the magnificent Art of the past into the presence of our lived experience.
If you would like to be the first to know when “Living Art” opens (and this will include some very special gifts from me), please leave your email below to join the waitlist: