Thank you for letting me know your time preference!

And, of course, for your readiness to open yourself to the experience of synergistic seeing…  

I will get back to you with all the meeting details once I’ve gathered enough answers… 

But for now, let me say "thank you" in more than words… 

The thing is, I am about to open registration to a brand-new 4-week (June 19-July 17) synergistic seeing program, which would give you support and structure to deepen, amplify, and integrate all the themes, experiences, and practices of the Awe & Wonder challenge — and much more… 

It is a prototype of a new kind of synergistic seeing program, designed to fully open up the intrinsic connection between art and universals of human condition, to create a container which would allow art to heal our wounds, reveal the gifts hidden in them, and so open new pathways for conscious evolution.

It is called "The Bigger Game: transmuting failure into awe and wonder"

For this pilot program, I am gathering a small group of art lovers

(including, but by no means limited to, artists) 

The group is limited to 12 people, and some spots are already taken (I don’t know how many, because I don’t know when you are reading this). That’s why I want to give you this opportunity to join the group, before the registration is officially open.

This 4-week program starts this Saturday (June 19th) and follows essentially the same format you are familiar with from the challenge, but it also includes four opportunities for synergistic seeing meetings, scheduled in such a way that everyone can attend, in accordance with the group’s preferences. 

The registration fee is $80 — people keep asking me why it is so low… well, because it is a pilot, a co-creative experiment and shared exploration. It will be raw, highly emergent, and synergistic. It is an invitation to co-creative exploration… I share with you everything that has worked, and is working, for me. And I am looking forward to seeing how it will work for you, in the supportive container of a small group.

If you are ready, you can join right now... 

Here is what's included in the program

A 4-week synergistic seeing program

28 paintings, with contemplative prompts and seeing practices designed to help you let go into the flow of life and live in constant awareness of the bigger game of life, plus the best “life-design” practices to integrate new ways of seeing into your experience, and gently dissolve the inner mental filters which keep the maya of life in place. 


Four opportunities to co-create a synergistic seeing experience (scheduled to accommodate different time zones and schedules).

Life-time access

Life-time access to the pilot and  to the final version of this program (when it is ready), so that you can revisit this experience and refresh the seeing practices any time.

So if (and when) you are sure that this is the right thing for you 

.... when you are ready to explore this experimental process of transmuting failure into awe and wonder in a small group of fellow art lovers, and allow art to open your eyes and your mind to the bigger game of life, please register before the program is filled.

Once again, the registration fee for this pilot is only $80...  

I am looking forward to sharing this journey with you!

Elena Maslova-Levin