What if the life you want to live is but one perceptual shift away?

Allow art to infuse your life with innocent joy and deep reverence for the magnificent evolutionary unfolding you are part of


JUNE 19 - JULY 17, 2021

with Elena Maslova-Levin, Ph.D.


Registration fee

Transmuting failure into awe and wonder

This four-week synergistic seeing program will give you support and structure to deepen and amplify the experiences of the AWE & WONDER challenge, and fully integrate new seeing practices into your moment-to-moment experience — and much more...  

In this contemplative journey guided by the masters of painting and poetry, we will continue to explore the key theme of the challenge: the peak experiences of awe and wonder, the deep, joyful reverence for the miracle of all life lies just beyond the inner pressure we often perceive as failure... 

THE BIGGER GAME STARTS This Saturday. June 19, 2021   

How it works and what's included

Just like the AWE & WONDER challenge, "The Bigger Game" is a concoction of paintings, poetry, philosophy and lived experience, delivered to you in daily bits. The daily steps will be tinier than in the challenge, giving you time and space to fully integrate new seeing practices into your own experience.

Art exhibition unfolding in your inbox

A carefully designed sequence of 28 paintings designed to help you let go into the bigger game of life, plus the best “life-design” practices to integrate new ways of seeing into your experience, and gently dissolve the inner mental filters which keep the myth of failure in place.

4 opportunities to participate in synergistic seeing in a small group

Four live (Zoom) meetings to contemplate four key masterpieces of the program together, scheduled to accommodate your time preferences. 

Community space for ongoing conversation

Private conversation space on to share your experiences and connect with fellow artists and art lovers in an ongoing conversation to amplify and deepen your experience.

Life-time access

Life-time access to all materials, so that you can revisit this experience and refresh the seeing practices any time.

This will be the FIRST, pilot run of a new Synergistic Seeing  Program

This means I cannot share with you other people's experiences: you will be the first to try it... 

This program is rooted in my personal experience: I am sharing with you a crystallization of what has worked (and still working) for me, ideas and practices gathered from a life-long friendship with the shadow of failure and exploration of other artists' journeys, through their work and writings.  

Will it work for you? The answer lies in your own experience in the AWE & WONDER challenge... 

The flow of the program

Unexpectedly even to myself, this program crystallized itself into the classic form of Shakespearean sonnet: three quatrains probing different dimensions of an experience, and a couplet to bring it to completion and open new possibilities 


First Quatrain: Stepping out of the river of time

The paintings and contemplative prompts of the first week challenge and soften our conventional perception of time and space. We will also take this time to deepen and integrate the foundational practice of pausing to see.


Second quatrain: Opening to synergy across space and time

In the second part of the program, I will share with you my practices of deepening and amplifying our innermost connection to the synergistic field of art, across space and time — tapping in the co-creative impulse of all artists that ever lived. These practices allow us to perceive each moment, each visual experience as an intrinsic part of the overall evolutionary unfoldment (rather than inconsequential, transient moments of an individual life). 


Third quatrain: Treasures of the past

This week is a deep dive in the past that lives in our (individual and collective) unconscious, hiding its magnificent treasures in deep shadows. We will explore the unique possibility opened to us by Art: to see through the shadows and discover the hidden, beautiful essence hidden inside.


Couplet: Letting go into the bigger game

In the final days of the program, we’ll bring it all together, sensing into the essence of our human selves as minds and eyes of Gaia, and courageous explorers of her evolutionary potential. 



AM I SUPPOSED to do something every day?

The answer is: yes, and no. The idea is to help you create a daily ritual, so there will be a new painting to contemplate every day (ideally, you will integrate this 5-minute contemplation into your morning ritual). But this is as an opportunity, not a requirement...

And although I do invite you to pause for seeing every day (at least for a minute, here and there), yet we will take at least several days to play with each seeing practice, so if you miss a day, it is not a problem at all.

The truth is, you probably will miss at least one (or more) days. We are all human. But there is never any need to "catch up" -- you can always start anew, every day! And you can return to previous days (if you wish to) any time later (you have life-time access to all materials). 

In short: just commit to returning to the practices, even if you missed a day (or more)

Will there be New content, Or Just integration of what I've Learned in the challenge?

Yes, there will be new content (even apart from new paintings). But new reading material (or video) will be introduced not daily (like in the challenge), but weekly, leaving several days for exploration and integration. 

I am not An artist, will it work for me?

Well, for one thing, you are. Everyone is, in one sense or another. 
But to answer your question -- absolutely. The art of spectatorship is for everyone.  

I need your magic right now, but I cannot promise to engage much because I am overcommitted as it is...

If you have no time to engage and share (on a particular day, or even at all), that's perfectly all right.

Sure, I love it when people share their experiences and engage in a conversation, and this generally amplifies the whole experience for you, as well. But it is not always possible, and since it is a pilot, I am also eager to learn how the process works for people who don't have much time to engage!

The truth is, we most need these practices when we are too busy for them, so please do join!

I LOVE WHAT YOU ARE DOING, BUT I Already live the life I want to live... 

I love it. But don't you feel a potential to expand and deepen this wonderful experience even more? Isn't there a yet bigger game to play? If not, if your life is perfection itself... well, then you probably don't need this program. 


To start with a simple answer, you don't need to attend. It is an opportunity, not a requirement (and I will make sure to schedule them in such a way that every participant can come to at least a couple of these meetings, if not to all of them).

What is it? It is a simple yet profound practice of contemplating a painting together, and then sharing our experiences, which opens an opportunity to communicate with one another beyond the usual limits of language, to truly see through one another's eyes.

will it help me GROW as an artist?

I certainly hope it will, but as you know, the process of artistic growth is not fully predictable. It depends on where you are on your journey.

Originally, I have developed this process for art lovers, and one of the greatest surprises for me was just how powerful it turned out to be for artists. In retrospect, I shouldn't have been surprised: this resource is infinite.

WhAt does "Failure" have to do with IT??

Don't you sometimes feel like a failure? Or, aren't you afraid of failing at this grand game of life -- failing to realize your highest potential, to fulfill your destiny? I encounter these feelings again, and again, in the writings of some of the greatest geniuses that ever lived (including Shakespeare's sonnets...).

If you are familiar with these feelings, too, have you noticed they disappear, or at least shift, when you are in the state of awe and wonder? The myth of failure obscures our perception, and it is the lofty goal of this program to cleanse our doors of perception... :)

WHAT IF THIS Doesn't work for me?

That's why I started with the free AWE and WONDER challenge, so you can see for yourself whether this process works for you. If it doesn't, then this program is probably not right for you. Since it is a live pilot, there are no refunds on this program. 

About me

As an artist and art lover, I explore, cultivate, and expand the magic space of synergy and inter-being that Art creates and opens for us. 

In this interactive exploration, I bring together my experiences as an artist, a reader, a spectator, and an eternal explorer of indescribable reality of life to invite you to enter this field with me, to reconnect with the magic and mystery of life and art, and to transmute the shadow of failure that haunts our collective and individual experience of life into the sense of AWE AND WONDER — the deepest source of all creativity.

There is a unique, never to be repeated value in joining the pilot run of a new program

It is raw, emerging in the process, and so in some ways more alive and intense than the final version (even if less polished and refined). 

You become a participant in co-creating this experience, for yourself, for other participants, and for those who will follow in your footsteps. 

You are in a small group of fellow explorers, which opens the possibility of deep, meaningful connections (or even friendships that will last a lifetime).

Last but not least, the registration fee is uniquely low...

So if (and when) you feel this is right for you,

join this co-creative experiment before the program is filled,

(or the time runs out....)

Insert Countdown